Congress Invitation
Dear Colleagues;
The fifth International Geography Education Congress will be organized by Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education, Social Sciences Education Department on 5-8 October 2023. We are honored to invite you to the Fifth International Congress of Geography Education (UCEK-2023), which will be held at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education, with the theme of “Powerful Geographical Education, Powerful Future”.
In this announcement, some sub-titles from geography education, all sub-branches of geography, and other disciplines related to geography were included, but no limitations were made regarding the topics in the congress. We are inviting Geography educators, geographers, and all academics in the fields related to geography (Education, History, Biology, City and Regional Planning, Social Studies, Politics, Environment, Ecology, Landscape, Archeology, Geology, Maps, Geomatics, Mining, Transportation, Disaster management, etc.) ) and geography-related experts, researchers, decision-makers, national and local administrators, and other experts, teachers, and students to present, share and listen to their research and work.
It can be said that the lack of understanding of the problems between people, the environment and space and the inability to produce permanent solutions to them, especially in the last twenty years, have an important role in the theory of geography education and the lack of importance in daily life. As a result of this situation, it is seen that the knowledge, skills and practices about human-nature interaction that affect people’s lives are not developed enough. If the relationship between human, environment and space is not handled seriously and correctly, it is predicted that more events will negatively affect human life in the future.
With geography education; It is inevitable for a person to emphasize the need to understand and live in harmony with his environment, rather than just using it and dominating it. In this context, it can be said that the “Powerful Geographical Education, Powerful Future” approach will help to plan a sustainable coexistence for both nature and people.
On the other hand, in recent years, the place of geography and geography education in both schools and public institutions in various countries, including Turkey, seems to have weakened dramatically. However, as geography educators and geographers, it is predicted that the next century and the next generation will face serious environmental and spatial problems. For this reason, we invite those working in geography and all academic fields closely related to it to present papers and/or posters and organize workshops on any subject related to the “Powerful Geographical Education, Powerful Future” theme. Thus, we believe that we can create an infrastructure for a more effective and permanent geography education.
We hope that you will join us so that the Fifth International Congress of Geography Education will turn into an unforgettable experience and success for all participants, and we hope to see you among us. Hope to meet you in Antalya on 5-8 October 2023.
Best regards.
Prof. Dr. Hilmi DEMIRKAYA
President of Congress Organizing Committee
Akdeniz University, Dean of Faculty of Education
Congress Program has been published. Click for details.
Due to popular demand, the deadline for submitting abstracts to UCEK 2023 Antalya has been extended until August 25, 2023 at 23:59.
Congress Location
Congress Poster

Time left to the symposium: